Le danger vient de la droite


Tal Kra-Oz (Jérusalem) montre comment l’extrême droite israélienne pousse à créer un “État unique” qui signifie, à terme, la fin de l’Etat juif. Et pourtant, rappelle l’auteur de l’article, les deux tiers des Israéliens sont en faveur d’une solution à deux Etats.

“Is this alliance between messianic ideology and secular nationalism—expressed as annexation—gaining the same traction in the public sphere as it has among political elites? Despite the popularity of HaBayit HaYehudi and Likud-Beiteinu, recent polls show that two thirds of Israelis still support a two-state solution with strong security measures, despite skepticism regarding its prospects, while only 20 percent oppose it. Even among right-wing voters, a majority say they would support such a plan. That disparity between public sentiment and electoral prospects could be explained by the classic Israeli maxim that only the right wing can pull off a peace deal. But on the cusp of such an important election, it seems odd—and therefore telling—that these ideas should be getting such an unprecedented airing in the Israeli mainstream.”

Cliquer ici pour lire la totalité de l’article (en anglais) dans le journal en ligne juif américain The Tablet


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